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* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name?

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* 3. What is your agency email address? (the one you use to sign in to Clarity OR the one you signed up for training with)

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* 4. What does the VI-SPDAT represent?

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* 5. Which are key elements of a client’s Clarity profile?

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* 6. How frequently should a client’s Community Queue Referral be “checked in” to remain active on the Community Queue?

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* 7. What categories are factors for prioritization? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. When does the 4.12 Current Living Situation assessment need to be completed?

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* 9. Which assessment do you have to complete to refer clients to the Community Queue?

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* 10. Select all data elements that were introduced with the FY 2020 HMIS Data Standards, and directly impact our community's Coordinated Entry process.

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* 11. If your client has an active Coordinated Entry (CE) Program Enrollment, what do you have to do to make sure clients are placed on and continue to stay on the community queue?

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* 12. When should you create a Coordinated Entry (CE) program enrollment for a client?

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* 13. When should you exit a client from a CE program enrollment (select all that apply)?

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* 14. What agency do you have to switch into to complete the Coordinated Entry workflow?

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* 15. When should you complete a 4.20 Coordinated Entry Event?

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* 16. What Clarity function will you use to manually complete a 4.20 Coordinated Entry Event?

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* 17. When should you start enrolling the clients you’re working with into the CE program?

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* 18. How can I make sure I get access to the “San Diego Coordinated Entry System” agency, and “CES - CE - San Diego” program on October 1, 2020?

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* 19. What should the CE project start date be for clients that you were working with prior to October 1, 2020?

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* 20. What should the CE project start date be for clients that you start working with on or after October 1, 2020?

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* 21. What are the four core components of coordinated entry?

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* 22. What can a client expect the first time they attend an access site?

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* 23. How can we empower clients to self resolve and find safe housing options outside of the homeless service system?