Heritage Language Programs in the United States: A Brief Survey


Dear colleagues,

During the Community-Based Heritage Language Schools Conference at American University in Washington, D.C in 2015., participants agreed that community-based heritage language (HL) schools need to be recognized more widely and represented in official statistics on language teaching in the U.S. Statistics about language programs exist by state and on a national basis, but they usually do not include the teaching of heritage languages in schools outside the public/private school system. Where they are available, statistics about HL speakers and programs are collected only for certain languages, and even those are often difficult to find and use.

This is the first survey that attempts to reach and document all of the community-based schools teaching heritage languages in the U.S. The result of this and subsequent surveys will provide important data about HL schools and will benefit the field of HL education. In addition, it will give us the opportunity to showcase these schools for mainstream educators and the wider public interested in teaching world languages and cultures. The findings of this survey will complement current educational statistics and enhance our knowledge about HL schools.

The survey will take you only a few minutes to complete. Please share this survey with your colleagues and ask them to fill it out as well.

Thank you very much for participating with us in this effort! You can review the survey’s current findings and see the Map of HL Schools that are already documented. We look forward to learning about your schools and collaborating with you in the future.

Data Collection Team

National Coalition of Community-Based Heritage Language Schools

Coalition Website
Annual Conference
Coalition Facebook Page
Coalition LinkedIn Page

Question Title

* 1. Name of your school/program

Question Title

* 2. Street Address of your school/program (to be used on the map so please do not provide PO box information)

Question Title

* 3. City of your school/program

Question Title

* 5. Zip code of your school/program

Question Title

* 6. Name and title of a contact person

Question Title

* 7. E-mail of contact person

Question Title

* 8. Language/s taught in your program

Question Title

* 9. What is your school/program's website? (Leave it blank if there is none.)

Question Title

* 10. Where do you hold your classes?

Question Title

* 11. Do you own the facility?

Question Title

* 12. Do you rent the facility?

Question Title

* 13. When was your program established (e.g. 1987)?

Question Title

* 14. How many classes does your program offer?

Question Title

* 15. On what day(s) do your classes meet?

Question Title

* 16. What is the average instructional time? (How many hours per week per class?)

Question Title

* 17. How many teachers work in your program?

Question Title

* 18. How many teachers have academic training (degree) in language education, teacher education, or any other closely related field?

  academic training (degree) in language education (do not include non-US government credential) teacher education, or any other closely related field? (includes professional development training) Neither
More than 90%
More than 70%
More than half
Less than half
Less than 25%

Question Title

* 19. How many students are enrolled in the program this school year?

Question Title

* 20. Rank the student age groups by size:
(1=age category with the most students, 5=age category with the least students)

Question Title

* 21. By approximate percentage, how many of the students in the program are heritage speakers of the language taught? (They and their family members speak the language at home.)

Question Title

* 22. Do you train your students to take official tests?

  Prepare students for the test(s) Administer the test(s)
One of the AAT’s (if available)
OPI, etc.
Standard tests of your country
Tests of your government created for students abroad
We do not prepare students for any official tests

Question Title

* 23. Do you charge tuition?

Question Title

* 24. If Yes, how much per year?

Question Title

* 25. Do you receive funding other than from tuition fees?

Question Title

* 26. If Yes, please check all that funding sources that apply

Question Title

* 27. Does your program also offer activities, classes, or lectures for parents of the students in the program?

Question Title

* 28. If Yes, what programs do you offer? Mark all that applies

Question Title

* 29. If you answer Yes for question 26, how often does this take place?

Question Title

* 30. Please indicate if you are willing to be included in further data collection efforts about HL schools.

Question Title

* 31. If you would like to receive the results of the survey, please put your name and email address here.

Question Title

* 32.  Please suggest additional questions that should be asked.