PHoD and VPHoD Candidate Survey Question Title * 1. Contact Information Name Pronouns Diocese Email Address Question Title * 2. Clergy or lay? Clergy Lay Question Title * 3. Briefly describe your experience in church governance. Question Title * 4. Why do you want to serve as President or Vice President of the House of Deputies? Question Title * 5. Describe your most meaningful experience in a leadership or legislative role, and explain its relevance to your candidacy. (This experience need not have taken place within the church.) Question Title * 6. What are the most significant challenges facing our church and how do you propose to address them? Question Title * 7. Are there specific changes you would like to make in the way the House of Deputies functions or the role the president and vice president play in the wider church? Question Title * 8. Is there anything else voters should know about you? Question Title * 9. Please upload a photo of yourself for use on the House of Deputies website, email and social media. Accepted file types: .png, .jpg/.jpeg (size limit 16 MG) PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Accepted file types: .png, .jpg/.jpeg (size limit 16 MG) Done