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WellLife Network is asking for your input, guidance and feedback in obtaining information from the community about suicide prevention, intervention and postvention. Please take a few moments to complete this survey so that we may more accurately develop future education and trainings for you, your agency and the community at large. Thank you.

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* 1. September 10th of each year is World Suicide Prevention Day and the ensuing week The National Suicide Prevention Week. Does your agency conduct any suicide prevention awareness events by:

1: Sharing information and resources

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* 2. During September, does your agency conduct any suicide prevention awareness events by:
Conducting a training-educational session(s)

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* 3. Does your program/organization have a designated suicide prevention individual or committee?

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* 4. Have you had a suicide prevention and/or suicide risk assessment training conducted at your agency or participated in one in the last three years?

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* 5. Which of the following do you or your agency feel is helpful and would like to see offered in your work and life community?

Thank you for completing the survey! If you have additional questions, comments or suggestions please send them via email to

If you have any other questions or would like to engage in further discussions, please indicate below your full name, organization, and best times to reach you.

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* 6. Please enter the information.

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