Vision Zero Survey

We appreciate your participation in this survey.


This survey is being conducted as part of the Vision Zero initiative that is being led by the Harris County Engineering Department. Vision Zero is one of the many parts of the Countywide Transportation Plan that will serve as a planning guide for new programs, policies, campaigns and initiatives for the next 40 years.


Our goal with this survey is to hear from our communities and find out how we can better provide safe mobility for all and keep people safe on our streets, sidewalks and bikeways.
1.What zip codes do you travel within most frequently?(Required.)
2.Do you currently drive?(Required.)
3.What type of transportation do you use for daily travel? (Please select all that apply)
4.On a scale of 1-5 (where 1 is very uncomfortable and 5 is very comfortable, 3 is neutral), how safe do you feel with the type of transportation you use for daily travel?*(Required.)
5.On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is least satisfied and 5 is completely satisfied, N/A for not sure), how satisfied are you with road safety efforts and measures related to the following modes of transportation?(Required.)
1 (Least Satisfied)
5 (Completely Satisfied)
Motor vehicles (1-5 scale)
Public transit (1-5 scale)
Walking (1-5 scale)
Biking (1-5 scale)
Taxi (1-5 scale)
Rideshare (Uber, Lyft) (1-5 scale)
6.What would improve your daily travels to feel safe on the street? (Please select all that apply)
7.On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 completely disagrees and 5 completely agrees), Do you think the following factors contribute to traffic crashes and/or fatalities?(Required.)
1 (Strongly Disagree)
3 (Neutral)
5 (Strongly Agree)
Design of streets and intersections
Motorists and non-motorists not following the law
Distraction (e.g., electronic devices)
Drug, alcohol, or other impairment
Lack of traffic enforcement
Lack of traffic signs (stop, yield signs etc.)
Lack of pedestrian and/or bicycle facilities
Unsafe construction zones
8.Are you familiar with the national Vision Zero initiative?(Required.)
9.Is there any additional information that you would like to share with us today regarding safety and transportation in our region?
10.What is your age? (Required.)
If you would like to receive future meeting and campaign updates, please provide us with your contact information.
11.First Name
12.Last Name
13.Phone Number
14.Email Address