Speak Up!

Join over 57,000 union members at KP and speak up about the issues that matter to you in upcoming contract negotiations. Surveys will not be shared with management.

Hit "Done" at the end to submit.

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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Employee # / Clock-in Number (note: this ensures only USW 7600 members fill out the survey)

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* 5. In 2025 bargaining, we, as part of the Alliance of Health Care Unions, are committed to securing fair wage increases, protecting against benefit cuts, and aligning our contracts for greater unity. What else should we be pursuing?

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* 6. Our National Agreement contains many excellent union-negotiated benefits such as the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust (BHMT), family health coverage, retiree medical, retirement benefits, tuition reimbursement, life insurance, citizenship fee assistance and others. Of our existing benefits, what do you think needs to be improved?

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* 7. Are there benefits that KP does not currently provide, that you would like to see negotiated?

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* 8. As KP competes to recruit and retain the best, most talented workforce, what factors do you believe would promote recruitment and retention?

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* 9. Our contributions to quality, service and affordability have built KP. As KP grows, unions should grow at the same time. How important is it that new operations, business lines and acquisitions are union-represented and part of the partnership as KP grows?

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* 10. Our partnership agreements provide job security through the Employment and Income Security Agreement (EISA), the Corrective Action process, organizing rights, and protections against subcontracting. Are you concerned that artificial intelligence, healthcare reorganizations, and corporate changes will place your employment and career opportunities at risk?

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* 11. Our National Agreement includes unique language on partnership and unit-based teams, just culture, racial justice, and staffing. How consistent is the follow-through and implementation of these provisions:

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* 12. Below are issues specific to USW Local 7600 members in Southern California. Please rank each issue from 1 (not a major issue) to 3 (make it a top priority in bargaining).

  1 - Not a Major Issue 2 - Somewhat Important 3 - Make It a Top Priority
Preceptor Pay
Add to Health & Safety: Psychological Safety & Static Security
Increase alternative shifts & work from home opportunities
Wage justice
Safe staffing
Training/Apprenticeship Programs
Update Job Descriptions
Work Life Balance & Time-Off
Recognition of Tenure / Longevity Differential

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* 13. At various points during negotiations, we'll be asking members to stand up and show your support. Would you be willing to participate if we asked everyone to wear a sticker, sign a petition or wear union colors on the same day?

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* 14. Any other issues, questions or feedback for our Bargaining Committee?

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* 15. Alliance Storytelling Project: Do you have a story or an example you’d like to share with the general public about what it’s like to be a healthcare worker right now?

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* 16. If you're not already getting text updates from USW 7600 and want to, enter your cell phone # here:

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100% of survey complete.