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Toledo Needs your input!

The comprehensive plan is a long-range planning document that every Oregon city and county adopts. The City of Toledo is starting a community-wide effort to update the comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan helps manage expected population and employment growth through a set of goals and policies that align with the community’s vision. The current comprehensive plan, The 2020 Vision for Toledo, was adopted on April 4, 2001, and needs to be updated to incorporate the current vision and goals for the City of Toledo. As the community’s blueprint for the future, the comprehensive plan is the City’s leading policy document on growth, development and public investment over the next 20 years. Community participation in this effort will be essential to ensure the updated comprehensive plan reflects the vision and goals of the community. 

This survey is available to Toledo residents, visitors, and anyone else that wants to participate. The survey is expected to take only 10-15 minutes. Paper copies are available, assistance completing the survey is available by request, and the city is working on a Spanish version of the survey. The survey is available on the city website or paper copies will be available.

Mark your calendars for June 22nd at 6pm. The City will be hosting a joint Planning Commission and City Council work session/ community town hall event. 

The mission of the Toledo City Government is to provide efficient and necessary public service that protect and enhance the quality of life in Toledo, now and in the future, as determined by our citizens, the law and available economic resources. (link to mission and goals)

Question Title

* 1. What are the greatest strengths of Toledo? (Rate each strength from 1 to 5)

  1 (Poor) 2 (Fair) 3 (Good) 4 (Very Good) 5 (Excellent) N/A
Parks and recreation options/areas
City services (water, sewer, etc.)
Employment opportunities
Public safety
Arts/ culture
Shopping options
Active/responsible city government
Volunteer opportunities
Toledo’s downtown
Teen Center Activities 
Child Center Activities 

Question Title

* 2. Thinking about the future of Toledo, what should the city focus on? (Rank each priority from 1 to 5)

  1 (Not a Priority) 2 (Low Priority) 3 (Medium Priority)  4 (High Priority) 5 (Essential) N/A
Public safety
Improving streets/ transportation infrastructure
Expanding public transit
New business development
Supporting existing businesses
Trails (biking and walking)
Community accessibility for people with disabilities (ADA)
Access to Arts & Culture
Improve Public facilities and services (sewer, water, etc.)
Increasing housing options
Downtown improvements
Natural hazard and emergency preparedness
Childcare availability
Broadband access
Teen Center Activities
Family Events

Question Title

* 3. What are your top priorities for Toledo’s downtown? (choose up to four)

Question Title

* 4. If you could promote and target economic business development and growth – which of the following sectors would be a good fit for Toledo? (choose up to four)

Question Title

* 5. What are your top priorities for recreation in Toledo? (choose up to four)

Question Title

* 6. From 1-5 rank your level of concern (in relation to Toledo) for each natural disaster.

  1 (Not at all concerned) 2 (Slightly concerned) 3 (Somewhat concerned) 4 (Moderately Concerned) 5 (Extremely Concerned) N/A

Question Title

* 7. For each question select a city

  Toledo Siletz  Newport Waldport Yachats Lincoln City Depoe Bay Other
Where do you work?
Where do you shop (groceries, retail, etc.) most often?
Where do you eat out most often?
Where do you go for entertainment most often?
Where do you go for recreation most often?

Question Title

* 8. Describe your favorite thing about the City of Toledo in one word.

Question Title

* 9. Do you live in Toledo (inside city limits or the urban growth boundary)?

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* 10. If yes, how long have you lived in Toledo?

Question Title

* 11. If yes to Question 9, Are you a full time resident of Toledo (live in Toledo more than 10 months a year)?

Question Title

* 12. Do you own a business in Toledo?

Question Title

* 13. What is your age?

Question Title

* 14. What best describes your housing situation?

Question Title

* 15. What best describes your employment status?

Question Title

* 16. How do you prefer to get your information from the city? (select all that apply).

Question Title

* 17. Is there anything else you would like to share to assist with the development of the Toledo Comprehensive Plan?

Question Title

* 18. If you would like to receive email updates about the comprehensive plan update please provide your contact information. Individual survey responses will remain confidential.

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