We hope you will be able to take a few minutes to complete the survey in helping us to expand our scope as for us to deliver our beliefs across the globe.

Thank you for your continuous support!



Question Title

* 1. How satisfied are you with the commercial sector in promoting democracy and addressing human rights issues that Hong Kongers face?


Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you with the Yellow Economy in supporting democracy and addressing human rights issues Hong Kongers face?


Question Title

* 3. How important do you feel the community is to have a platform such as Hong Konger Station to foster the growth of yellow economy that promotes democracy, freedom of speech and human rights issues of Hong Kongers?


Question Title

* 4. How satisfied are you with Hong Konger Station in promoting yellow businesses in the community?


Question Title

* 5. Which Hongkonger Station events did you participate in October 2022 (tick all that apply)?


Question Title

* 6. Please rate the following base on the above event(s) you attended:

  Totally disagree 非常不認同 Disagree 不認同 Neither agree nor disagree 沒有認同或不認同 Agree 認同 Totally agree 非常認同 N/A 不適用
The event(s) provided me with the insights how yellow businesses are promoting democracy and human rights issues in Hong Kong
The event(s) further encouraged me to support yellow businesses with their effort to support democracy and human rights issues in Hong Kong

Question Title

* 7. For Yellow Businesses 黃色經濟圈商戶適用

  Totally Disagree 非常不認同 Disagree 不認同 Neither agree nor disagree 沒有認同或不認同 Agree 認同 Totally agree 非常認同
The event(s) provided me with a platform to closer connect with the community and promote how my business supports democracy and human rights matters in Hong Kong
The event(s) inspired me to think of more ways for my business to support democracy and human rights (e.g. launching campaigns, and promotions)
這些活動啟發我去用更多方法去推廣民主及香港人權狀況 (例:推廣活動)
The event(s) allowed me to see great potential in growing my business by promoting democracy and human rights issues in Hong Kong

Question Title

* 8. For Yellow Businesses 黃色經濟圈商戶適用 (cont.)

I foresee taking the following actions in the next 6 months (tick all those apply) 我預見6個月內會進行下列商業活動 (可選多項):

Question Title

* 9. How frequently do you listen to/watch the programmes of Hong Konger Station in a week?

Question Title

* 10. What is your gender? 你的性別

Question Title

* 11. Your age group: 你的年齡組別

Question Title

* 12. In what country do you currently reside? 現時居住地