Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Survey Question Title * 1. What is your Age, Gender And Hobbies/Interests(Name is not needed) Question Title * 2. Where do you usually come across PSAs? Television Radio Social Media Websites Billboards Youtube Posters School Other Question Title * 3. How often do you watch Public Service Announcements (PSAs)? I watch PSA's quite regularly I will watch them if they appear in my recommended or on TV, but I won't search for them directly I will sometimes watch PSA's but may loose interest or not take the message fully Rarely see them Never see them Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What types of PSA Topic do you enjoy the most? Select all that apply. Health and Safety Environmental Public Safety Educational Community Awareness Other Question Title * 5. What types of PSAs do you enjoy the most? Select all that apply. Short film PSA's (A story involving characters that experience the dangers of the PSA's topic) Informational PSA (Narration over recordings of either made up scenarios to serve as examples of the dangers of the PSA topic, real recorded incidents or recorded recreations of those incidents An animated PSA potentially being a special segment at the end of some cartoons or being the whole episode of the cartoon (GI Joe, Sonic Says, TMNT, ETC ) Speeches Posters and leaflets Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Do you find PSAs to be informative? Very Informative Somewhat Informative Neutral Not Very Informative Not Informative at All Question Title * 7. Do you believe PSAs are effective in raising awareness about important issues? Very Effective Somewhat Effective Neutral Not Very Effective Not Effective at All Done