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* 1. The Kingston Road Development Corridor comprises a small, yet potentially strategic gateway into Exeter.  While this section of town lacks the available commercial property to grow exponentially, there is opportunity for further development.  Please articulate your vision for the corridor.

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* 2. Other than available space, what do you view as the impediments/challenges the corridor faces to achieve that vision?

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* 3. Using the Kingston Road Potential Development Map, using the parcel number, please specify what you believe is the right fit for these properties.  Please note that Parcel 1 is zoned R-1, single family residential, while Parcels 2 and 3 are zoned NP, neighborhood professional commercial.

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* 4. Parcel 1 on the Potential Development Map consists of 73 acres zoned R-1, low-density residential, which allows, among other things, as a principal use one-family detached dwellings or manufactured housing subdivisions.  R-1 zoning also allows for multi-family open space development as a special exception.  Do you feel any of these uses fit this property?  Why or why not?

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* 5. To enhance the development potential of the focus area, would you be in favor of changing some of the density and dimensional regulations in the corridor?  This might include the 35-foot height restriction, the minimum setbacks and/or the building coverage percentage of each lot.