Thank you for sharing your story with Cradle Cincinnati. Quitting or cutting back on smoking isn't easy - far from it. By sharing your story, we hope that more moms will realize that quitting is possible and will take steps to start their quit journey today.

Once you complete the form below, we'll reach out to you personally. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jessica Seeberger, Project Specialist, at 

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Email Address

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* 3. When did you start smoking and why?

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* 4. Why did you decide to quit smoking?

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* 5. How many times have you tried to quit? What made this time different?

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* 6. What is one specific thing you do to try and curb cravings?

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* 7. What about quitting makes you feel the most proud?