Before you participate in this activity, please take this pre-assessment. Taking this pre-assessment does not immediately qualify learners to earn credit. 

Certificates of credit will only be sent to learners who also receive a passing score on the post-test (separate from this survey), and fill out the evaluation form and application for credit.

Question Title

* 1. Where are you in your career? 

Question Title

* 2. A 65 year-old man presents with increase in stool frequency to 4/day and looser BM x 2 weeks , no abdominal pain, no blood in stool, no fever.Stool studies negative for infectious cause. Colonoscopy: Sigmoid diverticulosis. Erythema and few aphthous ulcers around the diverticuli. Mucosa of the rectum and rest of the colon appears normal.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

Question Title

* 3. A 32 year-old female presents to the ER after an episode of bleeding from the rectum. She reports having severe abdominal pain after a long run followed by blood in the stool. Her only medication is a decongestant she has been taking for seasonal allergy. She is otherwise healthy. CT scan show thickening of the left colon.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

Question Title

* 4. Please let us know who you are so we can connect your responses to your post-test & application to claim CME credit (completed after participating in the activity)