Copy of Condo Authority - What would be a reasonable fee? Question Title * 1. Have you already completed the survey by the Condo Authority of Ontario? Yes I have. (OK. Then you can complete this one for fun). No, I have not. (PLEASE COMPLETE THE CAO SURVEY BY VISITING THEIR WEBSITE Not yet but I promise I will. (Please do) Question Title * 2. Please chose which categories best identifies you. (You can chose more than one category) I'm a condo owner I'm a condo director I'm a condo manager I'm a professional providing services to condos Other: Question Title * 3. The Condo Authority proposes to levy a fee to finance its activities. This fee would be calculated per condo unit and would be collectable by condo corporations. How do you feel about this fee? I think it's fair to impose on condo owners the cost of this new Condo Authority. After all, they will benefit from these services. It is not fair to impose this costs on condo owners. The province does not impose on Landlords and Tenants the cost of the Landlord and tenant board/tribunal. All Ontarians should pay for this. It should strictly be financed by those using the service of the Condo Authority and Condo Tribunal. Feel free to comment: Question Title * 4. How would you feel about this fee if it was set at $1 per unit per month, collectable by condo corporations? I expected it to be more. It's reasonable. It's too high. Question Title * 5. How do you see this fee evolve over time? I expect it will increase over time. I expect it to stay the same as it should be sufficient to finance the board's activities. Feel free to comment Done