Survey for the 2022 ATS Annual Meeting

1.In which region of the world are you currently employed?
2.Did you attend the 2022 ATS Session?
3.Which sessions for scholars did you attend?
4.What is your current position? 
5.How often have you attended the annual ATS sessions?
6.How would you rate the scholarship of the ATS papers during the ETS Session?
7.How would you rate the relevance of the ATS papers during the ETS Session?
8.How would you rate the Sabbath morning worship experience?
9.How would you rate the scholarship of the ATS papers during the Sabbath breakout session?
10.How would you rate the relevance of the ATS papers during the Sabbath breakout session?
11.How would you rate the availibity for social interaction with other scholars?
12.Is a virtual breakout session beneficial for ATS?
13.Would you be available and willing to meet for the ATS business session during the week?
14.Please share any other reflective comments about the 2022 annual ATS session.
15.Please share any comments for consideration for the 2023 annual ATS session.