September/October 2021 COVID-19 Tourism Impact Survey

COVID-19 Tourism Impact Survey September/October 2021

The Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association is working to understand the impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Wildfires on businesses throughout our region.

We are working with the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport to ensure there is an accurate understanding of the effects of these natural disasters on your business today and hope to take a few minutes to ask you a number of questions about the current conditions and suggestions for your recovery.

This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your personal information will be kept strictly confidential. Information from this survey will be anonymous and will be published in the aggregate without singling out any individual business.
1.Business Name (Note: Business name is used to track survey completions; as noted above, all data are published in the aggregate and/or anonymously.)(Required.)
2.Business Type
3.Seasonality  - Please choose the category that best describes your business.
4.Please indicate the impact of the COVID-19 emergency (and subsequent economic, social, and health policies) on your current operations.(Required.)
5.Please rate the impact of Wildfires and/or smoke on your bookings, operations, and revenues, over the course of this past summer (2021):(Required.)
6.Reason for Impact from Wildfires
7.Please estimate the difference your monthly revenue between Summer 2019 and Summer 2021 (Optional):
8.Reason for difference in revenue (check all that apply)
9.Can you pay your fall bills?(Required.)
10.Open ended feedback on priority needs