Question Title

* 1. What is your team name?

Question Title

* 2. Wobble Pole- Balancing Weights

Why does the Wobble pole start to fall on its own even when the cart is not moving and needs to be continually balanced?

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* 3. Twelve Days of Christmas

After the twelve days of Christmas are over, how many presents has my true love sent me altogether?

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* 4. Make a Series Circuit and Measure current

What is the current in the circuit?

Question Title

* 5. Seasons on Earth

What is the main cause of seasons on the Earth? Check all that apply.

A. The distance between the Earth and the sun
B. The tilt of the Earth's axis in relation to the sun
C. The speed that the Earth rotates around the sun
D. Changes in the amount of energy coming from the sun

Question Title

* 6. Stacking chairs

How many chairs are balanced in the picture?