Thank you for participating in Vitality's member survey. Your thoughts and feedback help us evaluate members' overall satisfaction as well as make enhancements to our program.

By clicking below and proceeding through the survey, you understand that your answers will be identifiable to Vitality and agree that Vitality may use your responses to improve our processes and Vitality program(s) and/or create reports on an aggregate company level. Although your answers will be identified to Vitality, only non-identifiable aggregated responses will be shared with the Vitality program provider. 

Vitality is committed to providing a safe environment for all its members and employees. In the event that you provide a comment, feedback or customer care communication which is considered threatening or inappropriate in any way, Vitality reserves the right to provide your employer with the content of such communication as well as your name.

Please do not leave your email, phone number or name in the general open-ended comment boxes.  If you need assistance with your account, please contact Vitality's customer care team at