The Lunch & Learn series is a series of peer-to-peer learning sessions designed for StartSpace members to share experience, knowledge, and expertise with fellow members.
To apply to be a presenter, please fill in and submit the form below.

Applications will be assessed based on multiple factors including relevant expertise and experience, engagement potential, innovation, and clarity of learning objectives.

As we will assess ongoing applications on a monthly basis, please expect to hear back from us accordingly.

If you have any questions, please reach out at

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Email Address

Question Title

* 4. Phone Number

Question Title

* 5. Dates you are available to present (Please select all that apply).

Question Title

* 6. A brief introduction about yourself. (limit to around 100 words)

Question Title

* 7. Please upload a profile photo of yourself (ideally a high-resolution PNG, JPG, or JPEG file) that StartSpace can use in promoting the session.

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 8. Please share your business or venture website link (if you have one)

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* 9. Please share your LinkedIn profile link (if you have one)

Question Title

* 10. Presentation title

Question Title

* 11. Target audience

Question Title

* 12. Key points of presentation

Question Title

* 13. Key learnings & takeaways