For Mayoral Appointment to the:

HIV Planning Council

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Contact Information

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* 3. County of residence (please check one)

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* 4. Employer (if applicable). This Information is used for Conflict of Interest purposes.

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* 5. Occupation/Job Title

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* 6. How did you hear about the HIV Planning Council?

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* 7. MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: Planning Council members are required to attend the monthly Business Meeting, as well as additional scheduled Planning Council meetings, including but not limited to monthly Sub-Committee meetings.  Planning Council members may expect to commit a minimum of five hours per month to HIV Planning Council-related activities and meetings.  A member who misses one third of all assigned regularly scheduled committee meetings in any rolling twelve month period, including the current month shall be ineligible to continue as a member.

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* 8. Please check any of the following categories that represent

your current professional and/or personal affiliation(s)

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* 9. Describe your interest in becoming a member of the HIV Planning Council.

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* 10. The mission of the HIV Planning Council is to develop and coordinate an effective and comprehensive community-wide response to HIV.

Based on your knowledge of the HIV Planning Council, what skills and experience do you have that will help support the Planning Council’s mission?

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* 11. Do you have any current or previous volunteer/community service experience?

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* 12. Please list any training and/or education related to HIV/AIDS or public health that you have received.

Federal regulations require that at least 33% of the Planning Council membership be comprised of people who use Ryan White Part A services. Either during or before your interview with the HIV Planning Council you will be asked if you are a consumer. Please contact 512-972-5806 if you need clarification. This information is confidential.

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* 13. Please list any accommodations you need to access or participate in meetings. (Example: internet accessibility, wheelchair accessibility, hearing impairment, language other than English, etc.)

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* 14. Please upload a letter of recommendation. If you are representing an organization, submit a letter from someone within this organization.

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