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It is estimated that this survey will take you 3-5mins to complete

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* 1. Are you answering these questions

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* 2. Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you have completed 

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* 3. What best describes your current employment status

For the questions below please consider the following scenario

Your child or yourself had a problem at birth that possibly caused a SMALL lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain (medical term: MILD hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy or HIE).


Currently there is very little treatment for mild HIE. A treatment for moderate to severe HIE is hypothermia (body cooling). Body cooling is relatively safe and easy to implement and has shown to decrease the chance of death and disability by 25% as well as improve neurological outcomes at 5-6 years.

The benefit or harm of body cooling for mild HIE is unknown. Because so little is known about this, doctors base whether they treat mild HIE with body cooling on protocols and procedures at their hospital. Additionally, the following statements are true for treatment of mild HIE with body cooling.

- May or may not make a difference to long-term outcomes.
- May depend on the specific conditions at each hospital.
- May have some negative side-effects.

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* 4. If the risks and possible benefits of cooling were perfectly equal, how would you want researchers to study this question?

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* 5. Let’s consider the possible, but not confirmed BENEFITS of the body cooling treatment. On the scale below give them a score for how important you think they are.

  1 (Not Important) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very Important)
Prevent changes visible on MRI of the brain by discharge from the hospital
Prevent neurological deficits at the time of going home from the hospital (reflexes, irritability, sensing the world)
See a small improvement in language and thinking ability by 2 years of age
See a small improvement in behavioral and mood problems by 2 years of age
See a small improvement in school-age attention, memory behavioral, mood or learning problems

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* 6. Let’s consider the possible side effects of the body cooling treatment. How would these factors influence your decision for treatment.

  1 (Not Important) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very Important)
Being separated from parents at birth for 3 days
Staying in an intensive care unit with an IV line that goes through a major blood vessel to the heart for a minimum of 3 days after birth
Not being able to eat or breast feed for the first 3-4 days after birth
Shivering for 3 days that may require sedative medicines
Possible transient changes in blood clotting and bleeding
Possible delayed or unsuccessful breastfeeding
Possible effects on mother-infant relationships and bonding

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* 7. Given the above list of risks and benefits, give us your opinion the scale below:

The benefits completely outweigh the risks The benefits and risk seem equal to me The risks completely outweigh the benefits
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 8. In your opinion what percentage of improvement in language and thinking ability by 2 years of age is worth the risk of treatment for mild HIE with body cooling.

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