HHTS Mental Health Road Planner

1.What is the nature of your business
2.What size is your business
3.In what state or territory is your business based
4.Select the reason you have have decided to access the Roadmap Planner
5.Please indicate the degree to which your workplace is aware of the mental health risks faced by employees
6.Please indicate the degree of knowledge you feel you have in the area of mental health and wellbeing
7.Does your workplace currently have a mental health or wellbeing plan
8.Please indicate the degree to which leadership in your workplace have the capability to use the Mental Health Roadmap Planner
9.What support do you feel your workplace/you will need in using the Roadmap Planner and addressing mental health and wellbeing needs?
10.Please indicate the greatest challenge in your workplace taking action to address mental health and wellbeing concerns
11.Would you be interested in being contacted in the future by Healthy Heads in Trucks and Sheds to offer feedback about the Mental Health Roadmap Planner and getting started?
12.Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?
Thank you for your interest in HHTS and downloading the Planner.
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered