Helping Hands Network Foundation believes all children deserve the same access to education and development opportunities, and understands that there are many circumstances that may stand in the way.

Our Foundation provides support to eligible Queensland primary schools with high levels of disadvantaged children, by funding resources that students require to learn and participate in school activities, and currently cannot access.

The program has been established to support individuals with consumable items including children’s stationery, uniforms, and other items/activities that a school deems beneficial, in the hope of helping more children lead happy and fulfilling lives.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What school are you from?

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* 3. What is your position title?

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* 4. What is your e-mail address?

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* 5. What is your phone number?

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* 6. What is your school's ICSEA value?

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* 7. If successful, who will be responsible for administering the funds and overseeing the implementation of this project at your school?

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* 8. Describe what the funding will be used for and the intended outcomes you hope to achieve.  

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* 9. Describe how the funding outcomes will be delivered (including the people resources required, proposed timelines, overall budget etc)

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* 10. Approximately how many children at your school will you seek to assist with this funding?

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* 11. Are the items for which you are requesting funding usually financed by the school budget?

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* 12. Will the resources sought for the identified children be accessed from an alternative source if your grant application is not successful? If yes, how?

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* 13. How will you measure the impact of the funding and report this back to HHNF?