Reader Survey

1.Which of these is true of MOScout? (please check all that apply)
2.Which of the following have you done after reading MOScout? (please check all that apply)
3.Please rate the following regular features.
Not useful, hardly ever look at it.
Rarely useful, often skip it.
Hit or miss, sometimes useful.
Usually interesting.  Almost always read.
Love it. Would miss it terribly if discontinued.
1st Draft texts.
$5K+ contributions.
Hallway Index.
Lobbyist registrations.
PAC formations.
Weekly Poll.
Who Won the Week.
4.Please rate the following way to improve MOScout.
Lowest - Don't do this!
Might be nice, but not necessary.
Would definitely improve the experience.
Important improvement to make.
Highest - DO IT NOW!
Fewer typos.
Published at same time each morning.
More gossip.
Less gossip.
More policy discussions.
More biographical information about legislators.
5.If you have other ideas on how MOScout could be improved, please share them here.
6.I am comfortable giving Drebes anonymous tips.
7.Do you detect a bias in MOScout?
8.I am considering moving MOScout to entirely paperless billing/payment.
9.I would like to grow my subscriber base. Which groups do you think would benefit from reading MOScout. (please check all that apply)
10.Please give me any other feedback here. Ideas, suggestions, or criticisms….
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered