Survey about Extraterrestrials (ET's and Aliens) and Fear
You are invited to participate in our Beyond Humanity Project – Fearfulness survey.
The Beyond Humanity Project is affiliated with RaceTalkAmerica, Ltd., and we are in the process of developing a curriculum tool about sentient beings that will include ETs (extraterrestrials, aliens), directed towards individuals born between 2010 - 2024, considered the alpha generation.
In this survey, approximately 1,000 people will be asked questions about their attitudes and beliefs about ETs (extraterrestrials, aliens).
We are attempting to determine the level of fearfulness that people have based on their age category in this survey and will reshape it for use with the alpha generation.
We are attempting to determine the level of fearfulness that people have based on their age category in this survey and will reshape it for use with the alpha generation.
This short survey aims to critique adults’ attitudes and beliefs about extraterrestrials on a spectrum of fear. Adults teach their children strategies and tactics at a young age to protect them and remove them from possible harm, abuse, or assault.
The state is responsible for providing educational opportunities to youth ages 6 – 17.
School boards, superintendents, even principals and teachers are already facing questions about critical race theory, and there are significant disagreements even among experts about its precise definition as well as how its tenets should inform K-12 policy and practice.
On the academic level, it is often the age when something is taught and not the subject. There will always be a debate on curriculum development, especially when it focuses on race, sexuality, and gender identity.
In a word, if/when extraterrestrials begin to assimilate with human beings, ideas like critical race theory will become mute, real fast.
It will take approximately five (5) minutes to complete the questionnaire, and you can also add comments at the end of the survey.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.
Your survey responses will be confidential, and data from this research will be reported, including age, race, and gender.
Your survey responses will be confidential, and data from this research will be reported, including age, race, and gender.
The end goal is to develop a curriculum for educating generation alpha on communication and sensitivity towards these sentient beings, ETs (extraterrestrials, aliens).
For your information, sentient means the ability to have feelings. A creature can experience sensations and emotions; living things such as animals, especially your domesticated pets, are sentient beings.
According to UFOlogists, researchers, abductees, and contactees, ETs (extraterrestrials and aliens) experience sensations and emotions like humans.
According to UFOlogists, researchers, abductees, and contactees, ETs (extraterrestrials and aliens) experience sensations and emotions like humans.
If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact us at 630.327.1619 or by email at