The Half Hollow Hills CSD Board of Education is seeking input from all stakeholders in our community as it starts its search for a new Superintendent. By completing this brief survey, your assistance will provide valuable input. The results of this survey will be used by the Board of Education in the screening of candidates. Your input is very important to us. We will carefully review the results and use that as a basis for understanding the needs of the overall community. Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. Please submit your completed survey no later than December 31, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. How important are each of the following qualifications?

  Unimportant Neither Important or Unimportant Important Very Important Extremely Important
Has been an effective classroom teacher.
Has been a successful principal.
Has been a successful central office administrator.
Has been a successful superintendent.
Has worked in New York public education and possesses a thorough knowledge of state/federal laws and regulations pertaining to the public schools.
Holds a doctorate degree.

Question Title

* 2. How important are the following abilities and experiences in the area of instruction?

  Unimportant Neither Important or Unimportant Important Very Important Extremely Important
Effectively provides instructional leadership.
Understands New York State learning standards.
Understands effective teaching practices.
Utilizes strategies to address academic standards and student diversity.
Understands academic accountability and student assessment.

Question Title

* 3. How important are the following abilities and experiences in staff relations?

  Unimportant Neither Important or Unimportant Important Very Important Extremely Important
Provides leadership in a suburban school district.
Believes in and expects accountability from all employees in their areas of responsibility.
Effectively monitors and implements staff performance evaluations.
Effectively establishes a good rapport and open communication with staff.
Is open to new ideas and suggestions.

Question Title

* 4. How important are the following abilities and experiences in Board - Superintendent relations?

  Unimportant Neither Important or Unimportant Important Very Important Extremely Important
Has experience working with an elected board.
Promotes a feeling of teamwork with the board.
Keeps the board informed on issues, needs and operation of the district.

Question Title

* 5. How important are the following community relations factors?

  Unimportant Neither Important or Unimportant Important Very Important Extremely Important
Demonstrates strong human relation skills.
Has good public speaking and written communication skills.
Maintains a high profile in the community and schools.
Builds effective relationships between business, industry and district.
Builds effective relationships with government officials.
Effectively and regularly communicates with parents of students
Effectively resolves community conflicts in regard to District operations
Builds diversity and cultural sensitivity
Accepts a uniquely diverse community and strives to achieve collaboration and inclusivity

Question Title

* 6. How important are the following experiences with district operations and finance?

  Unimportant Neither Important or Unimportant Important Very Important Extremely Important
Demonstrates leadership in long-range, facility and strategic planning.
Understands school finance and banking policies.
Has background in school budget development.
Demonstrates effective communication of school budgets to the community.
Understands business and management affairs of the district.
Demonstrates leadership in ensuring safe environments for students and staff.
Has experience in collective bargaining.
Has knowledge and successful experience with school law.
Has strong knowledge of special education including IEP's, parental rights, placements, etc.
Understands and embraces the need for student/faculty mental health supports and available counseling.

Question Title

* 7. How important are each of the following personal characteristics?

  Unimportant Neither Important or Unimportant Important Very Important Extremely Important
Models commitment to character traits expected in students.
Demonstrates high moral and ethical standards.
Able to delegate effectively.
Demonstrates patience, understanding, consideration and courtesy.
Keeps current on educational trends.
Earns respect and standing among professional colleagues.

Question Title

* 8. Listed below are specific areas of expertise that different candidates may possess. In your opinion, how much weight should the Board place on each area. Rate the importance of each area using the scale to the right.

  Relatively Unimportant Below Average Importance Of Average Importance Above Average Importance Critically Important
Human Resource Management
District Operations/Finance
Community Relations
School Board Relations

Question Title

* 9. Please include additional comments/items for consideration:

Question Title

* 10. I am (Please mark all that apply):

Question Title

* 11. Where did you hear about this survey? (Please mark all that apply):