Community Input Questionnaire

The City of Sioux Falls Parks & Recreation Department and Stockwell Engineers are working together to Master Plan the entire Family Park, including newly acquired lands totaling approximately 290 acres.

We are currently gathering public input to help us understand what the community would like to see at Family Park. Once all feedback is gathered and considered, Stockwell Engineers will begin working on the Initial Family Park Master Plan which will be completed and presented to the community later this summer/early fall. The Final Family Park Master Plan will be completed later this year.

Thank you for taking time to fill out this questionnaire and providing your input.

Question Title

* 1. Tell us about yourself.

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* 2. How often do you visit Family Park?Family Park

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* 3. How do you most often get to Family Park?

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* 4. How do you currently use Family Park? (select all that apply)

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* 5. How do you envision an improved Family Park?

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* 6. Design Materials: Select the most appropriate for Family Park.

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* 7. Walking Trails: Select all that are appropriate at Family Park.

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* 8. Singletrack Trails: Are they appropriate at Family Park?Singletrack Trail

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* 9. Pump Track: Is this appropriate at Family Park?Pump Track

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* 10. Shelters: Are they appropriate at Family Park?Shelter

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* 11. Playground: Select the most appropriate for Family Park.

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* 12. Dog Areas: Select all that are appropriate for Family Park.

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* 13. Water Access at Skunk Creek: Is this necessary at Family Park?Water Access

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* 14. Fishing Access Along Skunk Creek: Select all that are appropriate at Family Park.

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* 15. Wetland Boardwalk Trail: Is this appropriate at Family Park?Boardwalk Trail

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* 16. What would you most like to see at Family Park? (select up to three)

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* 17. Are there any other uses you would like to see at Family Park?

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* 18. Define, in a few words, what success means for this project.