We want to hear from you!

We are collecting stories and reflections to celebrate the life and work of Norval United Church (NUC). Do you have something to share? We’d love to hear from you! Please respond to one or more of the following three prompts:

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* 1. What current ministries at NUC inspire you? (e.g. Affirming Ministry, Stone Soup Sundays, Summer Camp, Outreach team, Worship services, and many more). What do you love about what NUC offers?

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* 2. How has NUC positively impacted your life?

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* 3. How do you see God’s love reflected at NUC?

Do we have permission to share your story - without indicating your identity - in any of the following ways:

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* 4. in printed form at the church?

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* 5. in oral form during an in-person worship service?

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* 6. in oral form during an on-line service (which remains on the internet)?

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* 7. on the internet, such as Norval Online, or our social media?

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* 8. Please enter your name if you would like us to include your name when we share your story

If you wish to share your story yourself (for example, orally on a Sunday morning) then please contact: heather@norvalunited.ca or jen@norvalunited.ca

Heather and Jen