Question Title

* 1. What coins do you want to see listed?

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* 2. Would you be interested in using auto-mated trading tools (i.e. auto-rebalancing tools)?

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* 3. Would you like to use leverage while trading?

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* 4. Would you like to deposit or buy crypto using fiat even if it requires KYC?

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* 5. Which top 5 cryptocurrency exchanges do you use the most?

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* 6. Which feature could Polarity improve upon the most?

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* 7. What do you like the most about Polarity.Exchange and you would like to see more of?

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* 8. How knowledgeable do you think you are regarding the security features on Polarity Exchange?

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* 9. Please give us any feedback about our products or services, we appreciate your input!

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* 10. Please give us your email if you would like to receive a reward for completing this survey (To be distributed on the 31st)