Exit Dowerin P& C Community engagement Question Title * 1. How well do you understand the role and purpose of the P&C in our school Very well Somewhat Not well I’m unsure Question Title * 2. How important do you think the P&C is to the overall functioning of the school Very important Somewhat important Not important Unsure Question Title * 3. How satisfied are you with the communication from the P&C Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 4. Are there areas of the school you feel the P&C should focus on? Question Title * 5. Do you feel your concerns or ideas are heard and considered by the P&C? Yea Sometimes No Unsure Have never put anything forward Question Title * 6. What changes would make you more likely to engage with the P&C? Question Title * 7. In your opinion, how could the P&C better support students, parents and staff? Question Title * 8. Would you be interested in volunteering for the P&C activities or meetings in the future? Yes Maybe No Question Title * 9. How can the P&C improve the sense of community within the school? Question Title * 10. Do you have any suggestions for the P&C to consider at its next AGM on the 11th March? Will you be attending the AGM at 6pm at the community club? Yes I will be there No can not attend No suggestions Suggestions (please specify) Done