The TEW is seeking community members with personal and professional affiliations with Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and vulnerable communities to apply for current open seats. If you are passionate about transportation equity, please apply!

Desired Qualifications:
  • Must be affiliated with Seattle-King County based community-based organizations, agencies, coalitions or networks interested in serving on the Transportation Equity Workgroup (TEW) and submit a letter of support by their affiliated organization
  • Currently work, worship, play, learn or live in Seattle
  • Have lived experiences and/or professional knowledge on transportation related challenges experienced by populations identified in Resolution 31773 (see below).
  • Have deep understanding on the impacts of institutionalized racism and race-based disparities experienced by BIPOC communities
We highly recommend all applicants please review the application guide and FAQ sheets (for applicants and for organizations) prior to applying. For any further questions, please email

Applications are due Friday, November 8th, 2024 at 6:00 PM PST. Selected applicants will then be invited to participate in an interview process. Letter of support forms can be accessed and submitted by your affiliated agency here.

Language assistance is available upon request and all efforts will be made to provide accommodations. If a written application in English or the online format provides a barrier for your application, please contact or 206-530-3260 and we can provide alternative methods for submitting your information.

The City of Seattle is committed to promoting diversity in the City’s workgroups. We invite you to share in your application your self-described racial and/or ethnic background, as well as professional, volunteer and lived experiences.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information

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* 2. Which of the following populations do you have close connections with? This includes  lived experiences and/or professional affiliations.

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* 3. Optional Demographic Questions

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* 4. What are your primary modes of transportation?

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* 5. What is your organization affiliation, your role or involvement within the agency and the geographical region the agency serves?

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* 6. Are you currently or have you previously participated in a government workgroup, commission or board? If yes, please indicate what workgroup, commission or board you’ve participated in. 

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* 7. Please further share your lived experience and/or professional experience with the populations you identified in the previous question. What barriers and challenges related to transportation have you seen impact the community?

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* 8. From your perspective, please describe your understanding of institutional racism, its impact on racial disparities and the effects of displacement among Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities in Seattle.

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* 9. What are your intentions and goals in your participation as a workgroup member? Briefly explain your interest. 

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* 10. Which transportation equity focus area are you most interested in addressing?Transportation Equity Framework values

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* 11. From the previous question, please expand on the top TEF value you chose and how it connects to your involvement with your affiliated organization? 

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* 12. Are there additional experience, insights, skills you would bring to the TEW that you would like to share?

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* 13. TEW members are expected to spend an average of 9-10/hours a month. Workgroup retreats, summits and additional community building activities (both virtual and in-person) might be scheduled as well. Do you believe you have the capacity to meet these expectations?