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The Harrisonburg Fire Department (HFD) takes tremendous pride in serving our community.  To accomplish our mission, we need your help by completing this short survey related to the services we provide.  Although we always appreciate positive feedback, we are equally interested in hearing how we can improve.  The survey is voluntary and anonymous.  Space is provided to share your contact information if you would like a member of the Department to follow up with you on your comments. Our goal is to respond within 24-48 hours. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey and for your continued support of our Department. 

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* 1. Which event or type of service prompted you to interact with the Harrisonburg Fire Department?

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* 2. When did this occur?


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* 3. Where did your interaction occur? (street address, business name, intersection - please be specific, if possible)

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* 4. For emergency calls only: From the time I called 9-1-1, Harrisonburg firefighters arrived on the scene quickly.

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* 5. Harrisonburg Fire Department Personnel conducted themselves with integrity.

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* 6. Harrisonburg Fire Department Personnel demonstrated professionalism when interacting with you and other members of the public.

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* 7. Harrisonburg Fire Department Personnel appeared to be committed to your safety, as well as their own.

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* 8. Harrisonburg Fire Department personnel displayed teamwork when working to provide emergency or non-emergency service.

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* 9. Harrisonburg Fire Department Personnel provided service with a clear intent to achieve excellence.

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* 10. Harrisonburg Fire Department Personnel took time to explain their actions.

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* 11. Harrisonburg Fire Department Personnel were knowledgeable and competent.

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* 12. If this was a fire, do you feel that the firefighters did everything they could do to minimize damage to your structure and its contents?

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* 13. If this was a fire and you were not able to occupy your structure, were you given information on services to assist you? (ie: Red Cross, etc?)

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* 14. Did Harrisonburg Fire Department personnel provide referrals or information to meet your needs?

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* 15. Overall, how would you rate the service provided by the Harrisonburg Fire Department?

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* 16. Please provide any comments, suggestions, or feedback that can assist us in evaluating the service we provide.

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* 17. If you would like to be contacted by a representative of the Harrisonburg Fire Department about the services you received, please fill out the information below.  We appreciate the opportunity to follow up when indicated. 

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