Jung Personality Type

 Personality Type
We will learn why understanding personality types is important in choosing a career and in the workplace with each participant completing a Jung personality typology exercise in Session 4.

Jung personality typology
Jung Personality Types theory
The extraverted thinking type.
The introverted thinking type.
The extraverted feeling type.
The introverted feeling type.
The extraverted sensation type.
The introverted sensation type.
The extraverted intuitive type.
The introverted intuitive type.

Jung personality test answers:
 What kind of personality do I have?
 What are my Jung types?
 How will my personality type fit certain jobs?
 Measures preference for relating to people
 Processing information
 Making decisions &
 Organising your life

How will my personality type fit certain jobs?
Answers to this quiz will provide a general framework for understanding more about your personality including the way you perceive the world and your decision-making process.

Measures preference for relating to people :
What is personality : How do we typically measure it  : what factors determine personality?
•Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others, the measurable traits a person exhibits.
•It is typically measured using self-reporting surveys. ... Personality seems to be the result of both hereditary and environmental factors

Making decisions
As much logic as you put into your decisions, your personality will always affect the way you make a choice.
Combined with maturity and experience, individual personality is an inevitable factor, but proactive self-awareness can help you weigh how much your decision-making process is influenced by your individuality

Organising your life
How does personality help to organizational behavior?
•Personality plays a key role in organizational behavior because of the way that people think, feel, and behave, effects many aspects of the workplace.
•People's personalities influence their behavior in groups, their attitudes, and the way they make decisions

Introduction to Session 2

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