Question Title

* 1. Please indicate which of the following best describes your involvement in the Bungendore Harvest Festival

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* 2. Overall, how would you rate the Bungendore Harvest Festival?

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* 3. What were your reasons for being or not being actively involved in the Bungendore Harvest Festival?

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* 4. How well did the Bungendore Harvest Festial meet your expectations?

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* 5. What was your favourite part of the Bungendore Harvest Festival, and why?

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the following elements of the Bungendore Harvest Festival:

  Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor N/A
Registration process
Value for money
Ease of access
Number of customers
Number of stallholders
Saturday market time 10am-4pm
Facilities (toilets etc)
Entertainment and activities for visitors

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* 7. What was your least favourite part of the Bungendore Harvest Festival, and why?

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* 8. Would you participate in the Bungendore Harvest Festival again another year?

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* 9. If you plan to participate in the Bungendore Harvest Festival next year, what would be your reasons for participating?

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* 10. What suggestions do you have for improving the Bungendore Harvest Festival?

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* 11. If you participated in the Bungendore Harvest Festival in previous years, how do you think the 2019 event compared?

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* 12. If you were selling ready to eat food or drinks, can you please provide an approximate number of meals or drinks that you sold in order to assist us in providing attendance data for sponsorship.

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* 13. In order to provide aggregated impact data, we'd really appreciate if you could give an indication of turnover generated by your business on the day (we understand this is sensitive information and it will be de-associated from your answers and only used in aggregate)

Question Title

* 14. Thank you for your feedback. This information is being collected primarily for the purposes of improving the Bungendore Harvest Festival experience for future years. De-identified aggregated data may be published in marketing or other communications. If you agree for Southern Harvest to use your individual comments in such material, please indicate this by typing yes below