Your feedback is important!  We invite you to tell us about your experience with work placement.

Question Title

* Employer/Organisation Name:

Question Title

* Does the Host Employer Information Pack give you sufficient information to assist you with work placement?

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* Is communication regarding work placement adequate for your organisations needs?

Question Title

* Do you feel students you have had contact with are adequately prepared (work ready) for work placement?

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* Did you or your organisation face any particular difficulties whilst hosting work placement students?

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* If requested by you, did the teacher get in contact with you before the work placement commencing?

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* Did the student attend an interview as requested?

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* Was there sufficient lead up time given before the placement commencing?

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* Do you feel that your organisation was able to expose students to a wide range of tasks applicable to their course?

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* Do you believe it is important for students to have work placement opportunities?

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* Our organisation would prefer to be contacted for work placement availability

Question Title

* Please detail any general further feedback you wish to provide regarding the work placement students and/or the program that may assist us to improve future work placement coordination.