HERC/Subcommittee/Advisory Panel Application |
Basic information
Please be prepared to upload a CV or resume. This survey has multiple pages of questions. To view a list of questions requiring extra consideration, please review this summary.
The Health Evidence Review Commission's (HERC) primary work is to prioritize health services which determine whether services are covered benefits for over 1 million people who are members of the Oregon Health Plan. HERC's work is also available for other health plans to reference. Decisions are made base on the best available evidence as well as other factors including values and preferences or patients and communities, health equity considerations and delivery system factors.
HERC is supported by staff from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). OHA's definition of health equity is "Oregon will have established a health system that creates health equity when all people can reach their full health potential and well-being and are not disadvantaged by their race, ethnicity, language, disability, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, social class, intersections among these communities or identities, or other socially determined circumstances.
Achieving health equity requires the ongoing collaboration of all regions and sectors of the state, including tribal governments to address:
The equitable distribution or redistribution of resources and power; and
Recognizing, reconciling and rectifying historical and contemporary injustices."
Recognizing, reconciling and rectifying historical and contemporary injustices."