Monaghan County Council Active Travel Consultation

Monaghan County Council Active Travel Department in conjunction with Monaghan Municipal District are introducing a temporary one-way system on the Link Road between Canal Street/Mall Road and Macartan Road (N54) in Monaghan Town for a period of 4 weeks from Sunday 30th October to Sunday 22nd November 2022. 

The purpose of the trial is to  provide a dedicated walk/cycle path along the link road to allow uninterrupted travel along the Ulster Canal Greenway from the linear park onto Canal St.   In order to make sufficient room for this on-road greenway link, it will be necessary to reduce the traffic lanes from two to one. 

It is proposed to therefore make this Link Road open to traffic in one direction only - from Canal St out to Macartan Rd.

There will be an impact on traffic flow, and in order to assess this, it is proposed to carry out a trial one month period, during which traffic counts will be taken and the flow of traffic carefully observed. 

The trial period, during which a temporary walk/cycleway and one-way traffic lane will be in operation, will take place:
From:                                Sunday 30th October 
To:                                     Sunday 27th November 2022
Times:                               24 hours, 7 days a week, for 4 weeks duration
There will be traffic counts carried out during this time to provide information for designers to be used in determination of future Active travel schemes and measures.

Feedback is invited from the public, especially those living and working along Canal St/ Mall Road, and those who use this section of the greenway regularly.

Gareth McMahon
Director of Transportation, Roads, Community & Rural Development

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* 1. What is your main interest in participating in this consultation?

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* 2. Do you agree that there is a need to improve the safety of vulnerable road users on this link road, especially given the high level of use of the greenway by children?

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* 3. If this new layout is adopted,, vehicular traffic will only be able to get into the Mall Road/ Canal St via Old Cross Square.  How inconvenient do you think this will be to traffic?  Drag the slider to show where on the scale you sit.

a minor issue annoying, but worth it for the sake of the greenway outrageously inconvenient

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* 4. Will there be any unintended effects on the flow of traffic in this part of town as a result of making this change? What might they be?

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* 5. Which direction is better?  One way going OUT of the Mall Road, or  one way bringing traffic IN to the Mall Road?

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* 6. Do you think the proposed one way system with walk/cycleway will improve safety for users of the Greenway?

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* 7. Do you think that we should introduce a 'local access only' restriction for HGV's using Canal St/ Mall Rd?

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* 8. Do you foresee any negatives from introducing this one way system?

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* 9. Can you suggest another layout which you feel would also achieve the aim of providing a safe walk/cycle connection for the greenway, but cause less disturbance?

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* 10. Please tell us anything you think would help us to make a decision regarding this proposed road realignment.  Any concerns you might have, any improvements you might see could be made etc.

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* 11. We'd like to know a little about you, if that's ok.  If you're not comfortable with that, just skip these questions.  Are you:

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* 12. Where do you live?

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* 13. Do you use the Greenway?

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* 14. How often do you use the Greenway?

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* 15. If you use the greenway,  which section(s) do you use most? (You can click more than one section)

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* 16. Do you use the Greenway for.....