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* 1. Please answer the following questions about your emotional and physical safety.

  Yes No Kind of
I now have a safety plan in place for myself and/or my children. For example, I now know safe people, safe places, and safe options.
I have a better understanding on how to stay emotionally and physically safe.

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* 2. I know more about what community resources are available to me.

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* 3. I feel staff at Embrace respect me as a person.

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* 4. The rules and expectations at the shelter were fair.

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* 5. I understand the characteristics of domestic violence and/or sexual assault.

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* 6. What rating would you give Embrace? (5 stars = perfect rating)

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* 7. We celebrate the diversity of all people. Please mark all races and ethnicities you identify as:

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* 8. Do you identify as LGBTQ+?

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* 9. Other comments about Embrace.