Human Informed consent form

Question Title

* 1. This is a Research Project that you are a part of, Thank you, but first we need your consent

Purpose of this project: To further the knowledge and research of understanding dementia-related diseases by measuring the different socioeconomic and environmental factors correlate to the rate of Alzheimer's occurrence.

If you participate, you will answer a set of pre-made questions about your personal life so that it can be collected as data, which can benefit dementia research.

This is a super short 2-5 minutes long survey

Risks include stress from answering these questions, but you can opt-out at any moment if desired.

You will benefit from contributing to the understanding of dementia, which can lead to potentially groundbreaking discoveries.

Confidentiality will be maintained, your name, or any detail will not be released that is identifiable.

This is completely voluntary, and if you do not desire to participate, you can skip a question or decide to stop participating entirely.

Type your initials below if agreed

p.s. P.S: This survey contains Karma to get free survey responses at