Tri-County Health Department welcomes your comments and suggestions regarding the Household Chemical Roundups. Your feedback will help us improve our program to better serve you and other residents.
Comment Form and Survey Instructions:

Answer the questions on each page, then click the " Next >> " button at the bottom of the page to go to continue. All questions (except the first) are optional. You may go back at any time by clicking on the " << Prev " ("previous") button.

On the last page, click the "Done >>" button to submit the your information and return to the Tri-County Health Department Household Chemical Roundup website. You may quit the survey at any time by closing your web browser window.

Question Title

* 1. Which Roundup did you attend?

Question Title

* 2. Let us know about your experience at the Household Chemical Roudup by telling us whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. Please answer using the 9-point rating scale where 9 means "completely agree" and 1 means "completely disagree."

  disagree completely disagree somewhat neither agree nor disagree agree somewhat agree completely N/A
The event was well organized.
The Roundup was in a convenient location.
I was able to dispose of all of my household hazardous waste.
The event staff were friendly and helpful.
I was, overall, satisfied with the service I received.

Question Title

* 3. How did you hear about this Household Chemical Roundup? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. Why did you use the service? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 5. Is this the first time you've participated in a Household Chemical Roundup?

Question Title

* 6. Other comments about your exerience at the Household Chemical Roundup:

Question Title

* 7. I would prefer to have a permanent waste collection facility.

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20% of survey complete.