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* 1. Please enter your Name, Email and Phone Number (for a chance to win a beautiful gift package.)

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* 2. What is your biggest dream, desire, aspiration or specific outcome that you want in your life?

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* 3. What is your biggest problem, fear or frustration right now?

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* 4. You have a magic wand, what does your life look like 12 months from now?

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* 5. On a scale of 1 – 10, how committed are you to create this reality within a year (with 0 being not desperate at all, and 10 being incredibly desperate).

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* 6. What's your heart's desire or calling to serve? What do you see yourself doing to make an impact? 

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* 7. What is the best way for you to learn and grow? What would best serve you and your life?

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* 8. When it comes to staying connected, balanced, centered regardless of the environment, what’s your greatest challenge?

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* 9. Do you have a business or a side hustle? If so, what best describes the stage of your business? 

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* 10. If you have a business or want one, what resources/support would be most valuable with your business in your next up level? Select all that apply