Lock the date in for the 2025 Thrive Passivhaus Conference.

With The Passivhaus Standard creeping into nearly every project sector in Australia we can see the bell curve of growth for the Standard is on the right track. Our Conference committee have reflected on the current state of play in Passivhaus in Australia and they have a strong call to action for each and every one of you to submit an abstract into the 2025 Thrive Passivhaus Conference.

In 2025, the Committee wants you to get “Under the Hood” of your projects and the glue that makes it all come together as a success.

We’ve learnt about the technical requirements; we know the Standard works and now we’re observing the performance of as built assets...but .... we also want to know about:
  • How have you brought others along on the vision
  • How have you changed hearts and minds
  • What mechanisms have been most helpful to encourage collaboration – contractual, communication templates, shared vision...
  • What are the compelling business cases you’ve built for passivhaus
  • Soft landing issues,
Yes, to be clear we’re still interested in the dollars, performance data, occupant experiences.....but what about the client, financier, lawyers or the facilities managers working on these projects? We want to hear from them too! It takes a village to build a project- and operate a facility.

Bonus points will be awarded for abstracts that include broader detail and discussions around passivhaus such as discussions curated with the broader project team – or discussions on
  • Unbuilt projects
  • Soft landing / Facilities management
  • Investor, Financier perspectives on passivhaus buildings
  • Whole of Lifecyle cost analysis

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 1st
Notification of Acceptance: November 2024
Conference Date: 19 - 20th June, 2025

This is your opportunity to share your expertise, learn from industry leaders, and actively contribute to advancing sustainable building practices in Australia. We eagerly anticipate your abstract submissions and warmly invite you to join us at the APHA Conference 2025.

For inquiries and abstract submissions, please reach out to Samantha Howe at samantha@passivhausassociation.au

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* 1. Applicants details

Question Title

* 2. Upload Abstracts

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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* 3. Please include a minimum of 4 key learning outcomes for your audience.
What will your audience learn from your presentation?

Question Title

* 4. Has this presentation been presented elsewhere/or is it orginal for this conference?

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* 5. Do you have any prior experience presenting?
Please list the conferences previously spoken at and provide your Youtube URL if you have one.

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* 6. Does your presentation qualify for professional CPD - if so what industry and how many hours or points does it provide? 
Please ensure you have checked this and provide appropriate industry mapping evidence

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* 7. Is your presentation engaging for a digital and physical audience?
Presentations should meet the requirements for accessibility and readability.
APA reserves the right to record the presentations for future member CPD use.

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* 8. Social Media

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* 9. Speaker Bio

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* 10. Headshot

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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* 11. To present you as a speaker at the conference, we would like to publish your bio and photo on our website and in the conference programme, in case your contribution is selected for the conference.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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* 12. I agree to APA's Terms and Conditions