This questionnaire is about the choices people make when they have an urgent, but not life threatening, health care need. It also includes some questions about the Walk-in Centre that is part of the Wilberforce Health Centre on Story Street in Hull city centre. NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) would like to hear your views and experiences to help improve services in the future.
Completing the Questionnaire
Taking part in this questionnaire is voluntary and anonymous. For each question please tick the box that is closest to your views or closest to your experience.
If you have any questions about this questionnaire, or would like it in another language or format, please ring the Communications and Engagement Team for help on: 01482 344700.
The closing date for the questionnaire is Sunday 9th June 2019. Responses received after this date may not be used.
What is NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group?
NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) plans, funds and monitors the quality of NHS healthcare services for people who live and work in Hull.