Intention of Student Exit form

We thank you for taking the time to complete this form as it helps the College plan ahead as well as providing valuable feedback for our staff.

Once this Intention to Exit form has been submitted, our Community Development Team will review the information and follow up with you if required. After the details have been processed, we will provide you with an official confirmation of exit letter via email. Please allow up to a week for this process to take place. Any fees in lieu will be calculated based on the submission date of this form. 

If you are withdrawing multiple children, please ensure you fill in ALL first names at Question 2 and ALL applicable year levels at Question 5.

If you are unsure at this time whether you are officially withdrawing, please still fill out the form with all information currently known as this submission date will be taken into account in the event fees in lieu are applicable.

Question Title

* 1. What is your full name?

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* 2. What is your relationship to the student/s (e.g. Mother / Father / Guardian etc.)

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* 3. What is your child(ren)'s surname?

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* 4. What is/are your child(ren)'s first name(s)?

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* 5. What campus does your child(ren) attend?

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* 6. What is your child(ren)'s current year level?

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* 7. What will be your child(ren)'s final date at Heathdale Christian College?

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* 8. Is this a confirmed student exit?

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* 9. Please note notice of a full school term is required from the date this form was completed to the date your child(ren) will conclude with the College.
Do you understand that your Heathdale account will be charged one term's fees, in lieu of notice, if this notice period has not been provided (as outlined in your Enrolment Terms & Conditions)?

Question Title

* 10. What was your experience of the quality of Teaching for your child?

Negative Experience Neutral Experience Positive Experience

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* 11. Reflecting on the curriculum, the standard of learning was:

Low Standard Neutral Standard Very High Standard

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* 12. Was your child involved in co-curricular programs (e.g. band / orchestra / choir / netball / basketball etc.)

Not involved Involved (1-2 groups over the year) Very involved (3 or more groups over the year)

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* 13. Were the school fees affordable for you and your family?

Not very affordable We were able to afford this Very affordable

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* 14. To what extent has your child(ren) influenced your intention to change school

Did not influence at all (mostly parent decision) 50/50 Parent and Student influence High influence (mostly student decision)

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* 15. Reflecting on when you initially enrolled your child, what is the level of importance that Christian Education had in your decision to enrol at Heathdale?

Not important Important Very Important

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* 16. My child(ren) is/are intending to leave the College due to:

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* 17. The name of the school my child(ren) will be going to is:

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* 18. The reason for choosing the new school my child will attend is: (please rank in order)

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* 19. Did you have any further feedback or comments at this time?