Ogunquit Memorial Library Community Survey

1.How often did you visit the The Ogunquit Memorial Library in 2022?(Required.)
2.What is your main reason for visiting the Ogunquit Memorial Library
3.If you don't visit the Ogunquit Memorial Library regularly, why not? (Check all that apply)
4.What days would be best for you to visit the Ogunquit Memorial Library? (Check all that apply)
5.What times of the day are most convenient for you to visit the Ogunquit Memorial Library? (Check all that apply)
6.Are you familiar with the following 2022 Ogunquit Memorial Library Programs? (Check all that you are familiar with)
7.Are you familiar with the Ogunquit Memorial Library Web Page and/or Facebook page? ogunquitlibrary.com
8.Please tell us something about your own interests.  This will help us better understand the community that we serve.  Are you interested in the following subjects or activities.  (Check all that apply)
9.Are you retired
10.Additional Comments