North End Arts and Cultural Centre Survey

The North End Community Renewal Corporation is a non-profit organization located on Selkirk Avenue. We are committed to the social, economic and cultural renewal of the North End of Winnipeg.

The purpose of this survey is to consult the community and gather information on the interest of creating an Art and Cultural Centre within the North End.
1.What area of the north end do you live in?
2.If an Arts and Cultural centre were created within the north end, what would you like to see included? Check your top two choices.
3.Have you or anyone in your family participated in any type of art programming before?
4.Were those art programs located in the north end?
5.Have you or your family faced any barriers participating in arts programming? Pick all that apply.
6.Do you have an emotional connection with the Palace Theater? (501 Selkirk Avenue)
7.If yes, please tell us your connection.
8.What do you think is appropriate reconstruction of the Palace Theater?
9.What type of programs would you be interested in? Pick all that apply
10.Which age group would you or your family need programs offered for? Pick all that apply