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This survey is about visa processing for leisure and MICE visitors to Europe from China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Its results will highlight problems with current visa application processes, illustrate the potential economic loss arising, and help to identify good practice and opportunities for improvement. They will also indicate whether European countries are implementing current guidelines.

Please feel free to forward to colleagues in your own business or another. Thank you for your insight on this important topic.

Privacy: We know that your working relationships with visa agents and authorities are important. All responses will be treated in strict confidence.

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* 1. Who are you? (Tick all that apply)

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* 2. Please tell us which country you are based in (this helps us to understand if there are differences in perception depending on whether respondents are in source markets or destination markets).

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* 3. For operators and travel agents, approximately how many Asia to Europe clients do you expect to travel in 2025? For visa agents, how many applications for European visas for citizens of Asian markets do you expect to process?

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* 4. For operators and travel agents: in which European visa-requiring Asian countries do you offer European product? For visa agents: in which visa-requiring Asian countries do you operate? Tick all that apply.

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* 5. Thinking about the four visa-requiring Asian markets below, please rank them in order of their business development priority for you. Number 1 should be your highest priority.

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* 6. Based on your direct experience and industry knowledge, what is your overall perception of the efficiency and service of visa application processing by the following European countries? [Please rate at least one country]

  Very Good Good Neutral Poor Very poor
Czech Rep.

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* 7. Thinking about any country you rated good or very good, please make any comment you wish about what they do well.

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* 8. Thinking about any country you rated poor or very poor, please make any comment you wish about the problem, e.g. unusually or unreasonably narrow definition(s) of acceptable documentation.

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* 9. What percentage of short-stay visa applications to Europe would you estimate are by first-time applicants, for the business you deal with?

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* 10. Thinking about the requirements to apply for an individual FIRST TIME visa (single or MEV) how would you rank the following in terms of DETERRENCE?
Number 1 should be the one you think causes most difficulty.

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* 11. Thinking about supporting documentation required along with the visa application, please rank the following in terms of how problematic they can be. Number 1 should be the most problematic.

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* 12. Thinking about what would improve the process or service offered, please rank the following in terms of priority. Number 1 should be the most important.

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* 13. Overall, thinking about how you work with countries' consulates or their official visa processing agencies, please rate your response to the following statements

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
It is easy to obtain up-to-date information about visa application requirements 
It is easy to track the progress of current applications 
If an application is refused I receive a satisfactory explanation
Where there are multiple consulates or processing agencies for one issuing country in the same source market, they all apply Schengen visa application guidelines in a very similar way.
There is too much variation between Schengen countries in how they implement visa application guidelines or rules
Where the UK has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way.
Where IRELAND has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way.

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* 14. Thinking about any issuing country for which there is significant variation in practice between their multiple consulates or processing agencies in the same source market, please make any additional comment here, e.g. identify in which market and with which issuing country there is significant variation.

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* 15. Do you sell UK/Ireland product?

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* 16. Do you sell product that requires clients to obtain two visas: e.g. Schengen, and either Ireland or UK?

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* 17. Overall, thinking about current visa application processing in the Asian markets you work with, which of the issues below to you consider to be particularly important to address? Tick all that apply.

  Schengen area applications UK/Ireland applications
Slow processing time (more than the guideline 15 days for standard cases)
Unpredictable processing time 
Lack of materials or explanation in local language 
Opening hours or general accessibility of consular offices
The cost or inconvenience of the applicant having to present in person (for biometrics or otherwise)
Quality of communication and service received by the visa applicant
Unpredictability or inconsistency of requirements for documentary support

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* 18. Thinking about the previous 12 months, what percentage of enquiries for holidays to the following destinations do you estimate did not turn into bookings due to visa-related problems?

  0-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-40% 41-50% 51%+ N/A
Schengen area

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* 19. Overall, thinking about clients who choose not to start an application once they realise the requirements, what do you think they most likely to do? Please rank, with 1 being the most likely.

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* 20. What percentage of bookings or reservations to the following destination do you estimate were cancelled (by you or client) due to visa-related problems?

  0-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31-40% 41-50% 51%+ N/A
Schengen zone

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* 21. Thinking about clients who choose to abandon a visa application due to the process or other requirements, what do you think they most likely to do? Please rank, with 1 being the most likely.

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* 22. For business from mainland China only: thinking about clients who choose to abandon plans for a trip to Ireland/UK/Schengen either before or during the visa application process, what do you think they most likely to do next? Please rank, with 1 being the most likely.

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* 23. For China to Europe only: If you participate in the Approved Destination Status (ADS) schemes, please comment on current issues or make suggestions for improvements. (Please specify if Schengen or UK schemes).

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* 24. Are you aware of the British-Irish Visa Scheme for visitors travelling from China or India?

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* 25. If you use this programme (see preceding question), to which authority do you most frequently apply?

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* 26. Are you aware of the Irish Government Short-Stay Visa Waiver programme for visitors travelling via the UK?

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* 27. If you use this programme (see preceding question), in your opinion does it increase visits to Ireland from people who would otherwise have to obtain a separate Irish visa?

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* 28. If you think any non-European country has a particularly good visa application and processing system please indicate here which one(s). Please tell us what is good about their system.

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* 29. If you think any European countries outside EU and Schengen (excluding UK) - for example Russia, Turkey or non-EU Balkan countries - offer a good visa application and processing system please indicate here which one(s). Please tell us what is good about their system.

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* 30. If you have any other comment to make on the topic of visa facilitation from Asia to Europe, please do so here.

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* 31. If you wish to receive updates and results from this survey please leave your details below. This does not affect the confidentiality of your responses. If you wish to contact ETOA directly or learn about our work on this topic, please email us at or visit our website at:

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