It is easy to obtain up-to-date information about visa application requirements
It is easy to obtain up-to-date information about visa application requirements Strongly agree
It is easy to obtain up-to-date information about visa application requirements Agree
It is easy to obtain up-to-date information about visa application requirements Neutral
It is easy to obtain up-to-date information about visa application requirements Disagree
It is easy to obtain up-to-date information about visa application requirements Strongly disagree
It is easy to track the progress of current applications
It is easy to track the progress of current applications Strongly agree
It is easy to track the progress of current applications Agree
It is easy to track the progress of current applications Neutral
It is easy to track the progress of current applications Disagree
It is easy to track the progress of current applications Strongly disagree
If an application is refused I receive a satisfactory explanation
If an application is refused I receive a satisfactory explanation Strongly agree
If an application is refused I receive a satisfactory explanation Agree
If an application is refused I receive a satisfactory explanation Neutral
If an application is refused I receive a satisfactory explanation Disagree
If an application is refused I receive a satisfactory explanation Strongly disagree
Where there are multiple consulates or processing agencies for one issuing country in the same source market, they all apply Schengen visa application guidelines in a very similar way.
Where there are multiple consulates or processing agencies for one issuing country in the same source market, they all apply Schengen visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Strongly agree
Where there are multiple consulates or processing agencies for one issuing country in the same source market, they all apply Schengen visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Agree
Where there are multiple consulates or processing agencies for one issuing country in the same source market, they all apply Schengen visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Neutral
Where there are multiple consulates or processing agencies for one issuing country in the same source market, they all apply Schengen visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Disagree
Where there are multiple consulates or processing agencies for one issuing country in the same source market, they all apply Schengen visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Strongly disagree
There is too much variation between Schengen countries in how they implement visa application guidelines or rules
There is too much variation between Schengen countries in how they implement visa application guidelines or rules Strongly agree
There is too much variation between Schengen countries in how they implement visa application guidelines or rules Agree
There is too much variation between Schengen countries in how they implement visa application guidelines or rules Neutral
There is too much variation between Schengen countries in how they implement visa application guidelines or rules Disagree
There is too much variation between Schengen countries in how they implement visa application guidelines or rules Strongly disagree
Where the UK has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way.
Where the UK has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Strongly agree
Where the UK has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Agree
Where the UK has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Neutral
Where the UK has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Disagree
Where the UK has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Strongly disagree
Where IRELAND has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way.
Where IRELAND has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Strongly agree
Where IRELAND has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Agree
Where IRELAND has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Neutral
Where IRELAND has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Disagree
Where IRELAND has multiple consulates or processing agencies in one source market, they all apply visa application guidelines in a very similar way. Strongly disagree