
Kia ora friend,

As a church we want to do all we can to help our family of faith grow closer to God and to others.
To guide us in this mission, we have articulated what spiritual formation means to us, ensuring clarity and focus in our shared journey:
Christian spiritual formation is an interactive process of being shaped by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Christ. This process involves:
- Being With Jesus
- Becoming Like Jesus
- Doing What Jesus Did

While we know that salvation is a gift of grace, and justification comes through faith alone, our journey of faith continues as we walk with God, embracing the transformative path of sanctification. As God works within us (Philippians 2:12-13), we too are called to engage in spiritual practices and community life to pursue Him more deeply.
To help us better understand what supports your spiritual growth and identify areas where we can enhance our efforts, we invite you to participate in this brief Spiritual Formation Survey. It will only take about 10 minutes of your time and will provide valuable insights into how we can better support your journey. The survey will be live from Sunday, September 8th until Sunday, September 29th.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey!

If you'd like to explore opportunities for your own spiritual formation, or if you'd like to ask any questions, please reach out to Pastor Heather Ameye Bevers at

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* 1. Age

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* 2. Gender

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* 3. What Campus do you predominantly attend?

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* 4. Have you made a decision to follow Jesus?

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* 5. If you became a Christian in the last two years please answer these questions.
Tick which statement most applies to you

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* 6. What helped you to decide to become a follower of Jesus?

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* 7. How did you get to learn more about and grow in the practices of your faith e.g. prayer, bible reading, community, baptism, mission, generosity etc.?

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* 8. What more could Windsor Park Baptist Church have done to support you and help you grow?

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* 9. If you have been a Christian for more than two years please answer these questions.
How often are you engaged in the community of faith at Windsor Park Baptist Church and in what ways?

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* 10. Looking back over the last 2 – 5 years of your life, have you noticed the Holy Spirit at work within you to see growth in your faith

a) Where have you grown?
b) What has enabled you to grow?

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* 11. c) What has been a barrier to your spiritual growth?

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* 12. d) What has Windsor Park Baptist Church done to help nurture your growth with God?

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* 13. Is there something that Windsor Park Baptist Church could do more to help you to nurture your growth with God?

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* 14. What have you done in the last few years to help others grow in their faith?

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* 15. Have you talked to someone who is not a Christian about Jesus or your reason for being a Christian in the last six months?

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* 16. Where do you feel most connected to God? E.g. church worship, serving at church, life group, mentoring others, serving in the community, personal devotions, leading others, talking about Jesus to others, worship nights, silent retreats, praying together, serving those in need, other (please describe other).

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* 17. What Spiritual Practices do you have in your life to help you to keep close to God?