As part of our ongoing commitment to provide both educational support through tuition assistance, grants, scholarships and student loan repayment programs, and to explore career growth opportunities for our team members, we would like you to participate in a brief survey. 

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* 1. What is your current employment status?

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* 2. What is the highest level of college degree you have earned so far?

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* 3. Are you currently enrolled in a degree program at a college or university?

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* 4. What college or university are you currently attending?

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* 5. Do you attend classes on line, in person or a hybrid model of both?

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* 6. What program of study are you currently enrolled in?

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* 7. What is your anticipated graduation date?

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* 8. Are you currently participating in our tuition reimbursement program?

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* 9. Do you plan to participate in our Student Loan Repayment program upon completion of your degree?

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* 10. Are you currently enrolled in a certificate or trade program?

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* 11. What is the name of the program you are attending?

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* 12. Where is the program located?

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* 13. Do you attend on-line or in person?

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* 14. What career is the program preparing you for?

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* 15. What is your anticipated completion date?

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* 16. Is a member of your immediate family (spouse and/or dependent children/step-children) currently enrolled at a college, university, certificate or trade program?

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* 17. Where does your family member attend classes/courses?

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* 18. What program/degree is your family member working toward?

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* 19. What is your family member's anticipated completion date?

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* 20. Would your family member like to work at MBR upon completion of their program?

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* 21. If you are NOT currently enrolled in a degree or certificate program, are you interested in obtaining a college degree or certificate?

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* 22. If you are interested in obtaining a college degree or certificate, are you planning on enrolling in the next two (2) years?

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* 23. If yes, what school would you like to attend?

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* 24. If yes, what program are you interested in?

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* 25. If yes, are you planning on participating in our tuition reimbursement program?

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* 26. Would a discount or scholarship to a local college or university influence your choice of school?

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* 27. Is a member of your immediate family (spouse and/or dependent children/step-children) planning on enrolling in a degree or certificate program in the next two (2) years?

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* 28. If yes, what school is your family member planning on attending?

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* 29. If yes, what program is your family member interested in?

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* 30. If yes, would a discount or scholarship to a local college or university influence your family member's choice of school?

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* 31. Would your family member be interested in working at MBR upon completion of their formal education?

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* 32. Are you aware of our Student Loan Repayment program? 

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* 33. Is there a career at MBR that you would like to explore as a possible future growth opportunity?

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* 34. Optional - Name

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* 35. Optional - Current position and Department