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Question Title

* 1. Project jurisdiction(s):

Question Title

* 2. Project name:

Question Title

* 3. Project applicant (jurisdiction agency or non-profit entity):

Question Title

* 4. Funding request amount (in dollars) up to $75,000:

Question Title

* 5. Provide a brief project description (3-5 sentences):

Question Title

* 6. Describe the final product(s) resulting from this project and how grant funds will be used (1-2 sentences):

Question Title

* 7. For proposed housing development projects: is this new construction or rehabilitation?

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* 8. For proposed housing developments, please indicate housing tenure:

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* 9. For proposed housing developments, if it is a planned rehabilitation of an existing development, rental or homeownership, please describe the number of units preserved, net new units created, and any proposed changes in income levels served at project completion. Will any new income-restricted affordable units be created? (3-5 sentences):

Question Title

* 10. For proposed housing developments: Describe total units created, income targeting (affordability levels) in terms of percent of Area Median Income and monthly housing cost for any housing units developed with these grant funds (2-3 sentences).

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* 11. For proposed housing developments: Describe any applicable affordability controls and control period (2-3 sentences):

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* 12. Please describe the project schedule including its current status, critical milestones, and the anticipated timeframe for use of grant funds. Note: grant funds should be used within a 12-month period from award. (3-5 sentences):

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* 13. Explain how the proposed housing development or policy study will positively impact community accessibility to transit (3-5 sentences):

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* 14. Explain any prior or planned public outreach/participation involved with this project (1-2 sentences):

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* 15. Is the project in a jurisdiction that adopted local housing targets as part of the 2019 COG Regional Housing Initiative? For more information, see

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* 16. Is the project in a Regional Activity Center? For a map of the region's 141 Activity Centers, see:  

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* 17. Is the project in an Equity Emphasis Area? For a map of the region’s Equity Emphasis Areas, see

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* 18. Is the project within a half-mile of a high-capacity transit (HCT) station? For a map of the region’s high-capacity transit stations (current and anticipated to be built by 2045) see:

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* 19. If the project is not within a half-mile of a HCT station, list distance from proposed development or study area to nearest HCT (in miles):

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* 20. For indirect (non-governmental) applicants: entity is a MBE, WBE or a minority led organization (indicate which one). If applicant is a MBE or WBE please provide evidence of certification. For minority led organizations please provide evidence that supports this status. Upload evidence in the next step.

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* 21. For WBE, MBE or minority led applicants, please upload evidence in a single PDF file.

PDF file types only.

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* 22. Do you agree to COG’s use of project content for multipurpose promotion?

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* 23. COG staff may ask your organization to share the results of your award through making presentations, blog posts, or other activities. Is your organization willing to participate in such activities?

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* 24. Applicant contact information:

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* 25. Secondary contact information:

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* 26. Collaborating agency/organization contact information (if applicable):

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* 27. Please include the following information via a single PDF file:
1. For non-profit housing developers ONLY: Letter of endorsement from chief elected official, local government chief administrative officer, or Director of Housing and Community Development specifically referencing support of the applicant's proposal for HAPP grant funding.

2. Detailed area map on 8.5” x 11” sized paper identifying project location, Regional Activity Centers, High-Capacity Transit stations, Equity Emphasis Areas (if applicable), other major transportation facilities, and jurisdiction boundaries (1 page).

3. Photographs of current conditions and graphics depicting the desired outcome.

4. Brief project description including the following (3-5 pages):

4a. Purpose and need;

4b. Anticipated final product(s);

4c. Previous related planning, including public involvement;

4d. Connections to the COG Board’s Regional Housing Initiative;

4e. Collaboration with other agencies and/or jurisdictions;

4f. Strategies to advance project recommendations, including future planning, funding, and implementation (for non-development projects); and

4g. Concise description of whether and how the use of the proposed HAPP grant funds might be redesigned if the request is only partially funded. Please indicate if a grant award less than requested amount would still maintain project viability.

PDF file types only.