Community Engagement Survey

1.How do you currently get information about Hanover County? (Check all that apply)
2.What information would you like to hear about from Hanover? (Check all that apply)
3.How would you prefer to receive information from Hanover County? (Check all that apply)
4.What is your preferred format for gaining information?
5.Where do you prefer to express your opinion on proposed projects, programs and services? 
6.What or who do you view as a trusted source for information about Hanover County?
7.How can the County increase citizen engagement?
8.In the last 6 months, how did you engage with Hanover County? (Check all that apply)
9.How would you like to learn about proposed road projects or proposed development?
10.Where could Hanover County meet you with information?
11.Can you please provide the name of an event, group, nonprofit or organization you frequently attend?
12.When on the Hanover County website, can you easily find what you are looking for?
13.If you answered "no" to number 12, what information are you looking for?
14.What are you not hearing from Hanover County, that you would like to hear about?